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Open Enrollment Deadline Extended

Posted Date: 11/22/24 (11:48 PM)

The open enrollment period for current students and their siblings has been extended. 
The new deadline is January 20, 2025.

Please take a moment to complete the attached form to secure a seat for your student.

We look forward to continuing our partnership.

Dear GTA Families,
Thank you for choosing GTA Schools for your students' education.
We understand that we are all busy, and for that reason we have left the re-enrollment link open through today. 
To ensure your child's place for the 2025-2026 school year, at MIT Middle, MIT High, or Griffin Academies, please take a moment to complete the form below.
This action will formally reserve your child's seat for the next school year.
We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
Thank you in advance for your time. 

[Monday, Jan 13 at 11:07 AM]
Open Enrollment Deadline Extended to January 17, 2025

[Wednesday, Jan 15 at 10:53 AM]
Hello families,
The deadline is soon approaching. Please take a moment to re-enroll your student for the next school year (2025-26). Secure a seat for them today.
DEADLINE is Friday, January 17, 2025.
Thank you.